This one’s a little all over the place but stay with me!
We’ve all had experiences good, bad, ups and downs. But that has never really gotten in the way of keeping my heart soft and light.
I am completely enamoured with Life! 🥰
Sure there is a lot of things happening in the world; and when you’ve lived life for a while you can take it for granted; But I will never be too cool to be in awe of the miracles of life. I will never cease to be amazed. I allow questions to peak my interests and will go down rabbit holes on a journey of discovery. I try to apply the wisdom of what is shown to me and it doesn’t always have to be difficult or deep.
Example: I will forever be blown away by the whole pregnancy journey of a baby. I know science explains it but it’s fuggin amazing how a few cells divide and then a whole baby with arms, limbs, face and organs, breathing in fluid…it’s too much! 🤯🥹
Anyway I was watching my niece being breastfed and made a statement how amazing it is that babies are born knowing how to feed. It’s instinctual. They just know and allow the knowing to guide them. This stayed with me all day and eventually boom the wisdom drops down…
If a baby can do it so can you. Trust yourself to be guided where you need to be!
Simple but true. Through life we’ve learned not to trust ourselves or we second guess because we’re not sure if we’re doing the right thing. We interrupt the flow of guidance through the filters of fear and judgment. After so long, if we’re not getting the results we want then trying another way wouldn’t be so bad would it? But I digress! This is about keeping your heart light! Yes so tap into your inner child and allow them to be delighted in the things that bring them joy. I have a good sense of humour! Laughter helps me transmute painful feelings and situations. I find lots of things interesting and I don’t suppress myself when they show up. I ain’t stush. I indulge in them.
I love all types of music, flowers, spiritual and metaphysical studies, I love science fiction, fantasy fiction (amongst many other things) and allow myself to get lost in my imagination. I open myself up to new experiences.
If I have a question I go to Google and do research no matter what it is. I remember looking into the discovery of paracetamol because, in my opinion through personal experience, it’s one of the best medicines on the planet. Simple and effective. See how my inner geek is showing? 😂 let me stop.
Find your inner child, your inner geek, your inner joy! Find it and let it come out to play!
Children are also a fantastic way to keeping a light heart. My children keep me playing, dancing and laughing. Children are some of the best teachers. Don’t get it twisted because they are young, they can teach you a thing or three!
Not allowing the challenges of life to turn you heart cold. Listen, there are so many things that I could easily use to justify being hard and bitter. I’ve been to jail, was diagnosed with lupus and a bag of other things, but I REFUSE to let that be my story. I believe in the goodness of life and the goodness in people. Prison was 14 years ago. It just seems like a distant memory; almost like I never went there. At the time it was a huge deal and I felt the weight of it all when it was all happening; But when I came out I left it there and decided to look forward. You can read a little about when I came out here .
People will do what people do. People Love, people Hate, People change. A bad situation shouldn’t harden you towards forging new relationships or nurturing the ones you have now. You grieve in any way that suits you but don’t stay down too long. Life is too precious for that. Like Toni Braxton said “Let it go. Let it flow. Let it flow. Let it flow.”
In the grand scheme of life when you look at the things that have happened, why allow a 6 month difficult situation, a 2 year or more situation take over the whole of your life?! It isn’t worth it. Take the lessons and the wisdom and move forward. Celebrate how far you’ve come. Celebrate that you’re not there no more. Have gratitude that you made it through! Give thanks!
These are just a few ways to keep a light heart. You stay open to learning, you stay open to feeling, creating and connecting; stay open to the goodness that’s out there!
Wow! *clappinghands* 👏🏽
This was an amazing piece , relatable and encouraging. Reminding me to be guided by the higher power and trust that life always Works out!! 👏🏽