I know it goes without saying but some things need to be said; and often a reminder is needed. But this is your life! 1 life, 1 body and time is constantly moving. You are precious, worthy and deserving of a fulfilled life and you must treat yourself in that same manner. It’s easy to lose sight of the importance of ourselves amongst the roles we have in life within our families, friendships and work. Juggling our own selves, our thoughts and feelings while at the same time managing the expectations of others outside of us. Here are a few things that came up while I explored this title in my thoughts:
Main character energy: this ain’t about being selfish
Lets check in with YOU first…
Are you ok? How are you? What are you feeling? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you feeling good about where you’re at in life? Is there anything you want to change? Do you need a break? What do you want for yourself? These are some questions that we should regularly ask ourselves and answer honestly. So we can know what our next steps should be. This is how we truly get to know ourselves. You also shouldn’t worry about the opinions of others. They have their life and this is yours. Get in touch with yourself.
Sure you can ask for opinions (if you want it) but ultimately only you will know what’s best for you.
It’s so easy to ignore and push away your own feelings. Rather than just glazing over your emotions or suppressing them (because you don’t wanna rock the boat or you are uncomfortable with emotions that don’t feel good) Explore them. Sit with them and get used to knowing your truth. This will assist you massively in navigating yourself and the relationships around you. You will see what boundaries you need to set to protect yourself from feeling depleted, overwhelmed, taken advantage of etc.
You should know and understand yourself better than anyone else.
you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life!
This is why your relationship with yourself is, and should be, the most important. Don’t you want it to be peaceful, loving and comfortable?
Self love, forgiveness of self, compassion for self, patience and understanding with self, the way we talk to ourselves. It matters. It matters a lot. I used to do some shocking negative self-talk and scold myself harshly when I made mistakes. A habit I kept up for years. Now I’ve shift my self-talk and have become mindful of what I’m saying to myself. There is no point in creating turmoil within. That is just a breeding ground in creating more dis-ease and discord within. If you do find yourself criticising yourself harshly, stop and change the tone. Life is challenging enough and mistakes are going to be made. So, lets not make it harder by verbally, emotionally or physically abusing ourselves every day of our lives. Just….no…..ok? Good.
Give yourself lots of love, compassion, forgiveness, patience and understanding. You deserve it.
Before any building you call a home, Your body, mind and heart is your home. Work on being the person you would want to live with.
you are your own responsibility.
We can’t put our personal well-being in the hands of another person who can simply walk away and drop us when their feelings change. That’s dangerous, but we’ve all done it before at some point in our lives. Within romantic relationships, friendships and families. As long as they’re doing what we want them to do then we will be happy, Right? No. Well yes but, your state of being well and balanced should already be your default state. Anyone after that is an additional blessing and a boost to what is already present. There is also a strength and protection where in any of your relationships, if a person changes their mind or hurts you, yes you will be hurt and disappointed, but you know after everything you will be ok because you know happiness and peace without them. They are not your main supply source. You are and that is powerful.
No one should have that power over you. Don’t ever give it away.
You are also responsible for creating the life you want to experience. When I look back there are so many things I should have just gone for or done on my own instead of waiting for somebody to do them with. Just go ahead and do the things you want to do. You’ll more than likely end up meeting people along the way.
other bits that need to be mentioned…
No one is perfect. Celebrate and praise yourself for the parts of you that are Great and work on the things that you would like to improve.
You need to be good first before you are of any good to anyone else.
No one can read your mind. Don’t be afraid to speak up for what you want.
You can’t control how people want to treat you but you can control their access to you.
In other words don’t put up with anyones sh*t.
This post is not intended to seem like you don’t need anybody. Humans are social by nature. We’re not supposed to be on our own. We thrive in groups and relationships, that’s why we have family, friends etc. However, we must take care and check in with ourselves in and out of the dynamics of these groups.
It’s ok to feel sadness and grief. Feel them and allow the emotions to pass, but don’t allow them to take up residency in your mind, heart or body.
Rome was not built in a day. Everything mentioned in this post may mean new habits need to be implemented. Take your time and be honest, patient and kind to yourself during the process. Its a whole lifestyle.
I’ll be back if I think of anything else. Ciao for now x
In a nutshell…
This post is about you loving you and treating you in the best possible way during your lifetime ❤️
Love it v
Thanks my love!
Love that your doing this Vuyisawa. Can’t wait to sit down and have a read 💖✨
Thank you so much!! I appreciate you stopping by x
Vuyiswaa, I have so much love and respect for your blog, your confidence, openness and, honesty. I have learnt a lot about you I did not know and, I acknowledge some things about myself I need to work on. Thank you for sharing and being a real example that we all can achieve our goals.. You have written admirably.
I appreciate your words and you’ve confirmed exactly why I decided to start this blog. It’s very encouraging – Sending you lots of love❤️